RPG a DaySavage Worlds

RPG a Day 2017: Day 4

The Complete Series

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 5-8

Day 9-13

Day 14-20

Day 21-28

Day 29-31

Day 4: Which RPG have you played the most since August 2016?

As if there could be any question.

In fact, it’s the RPG I’ve played most since August 2015. I love this game. I found it after leaving D&D and Pathfinder for a 2-year jaunt through mostly forum-based PbP story games. It was a good chance to develop my writing skills, but I hungered for the faster pace and social elements of face-to-face gaming. Savage Worlds was a half-return to the crunchy systems I enjoyed before, but with the freeform elements (e.g. Trappings) that I learned to love about story games. I still enjoy D&D and several indie games, but Savage Worlds is a perfect fit for me.

Since discovering Savage Worlds in January 2015, I have run three campaigns and more than a dozen one shots. I’ve become an Official Savage Worlds Licensee and successfully Kickstarted my first published setting, The Blackwood. It’s been a relatively fast and deeply rewarding road.

Future Entries

I’ve enjoyed RPG a Day so far, but I’m finding these entries to be a little too short to justify putting up on my blog. Instead, I’m going to start posting my answers on various social media and then collecting them into blog posts every 3-4 days. In other words: they’ll still get posted here but it won’t be every day. Stay hype!