RPG a Day

RPG a Day 2017: Day 3

The Complete Series

Day 1

Day 2

Day 4

Day 5-8

Day 9-13

Day 14-20

Day 21-28

Day 29-31

Day 3: How do you find out about new RPGs?

At this point, I listen to about 15 RPG-related podcasts per week. I get a lot of my info about new RPGs from them. I’m working through backlogs on quite a few of the podcasts, so a lot of the RPGs I learn about have been out for a little while.

On my podcast list, there are a few in particular that keep me up to date about the latest and greatest games:

  • Misdirected Mark Podcast: These guys have two typical formats on their show. Most often, they talk about topics related to gameplay. Sometimes they hold interviews with game creators, but either way there’s a lot of game-name-dropping going around.
  • Modifier: Megan Dornbrock has a great interview podcast on the One Shot network. In the course of some great interviews with creators, you pick up a lot of information about their games both past and present.
  • Nerds-International: this G+ community has a lot of great guys sharing news about new games, game they’re playing, yadda yadda. It’s good stuff!

When I’m not learning about a game that’s already out, the new games invariably come from Kickstarter. I’m not a super backer but I enjoy supporting other creators for a lot of reasons: excitement to play, researching intriguing mechanics, etc. etc.

My main source for new RPGs used to be Kicksnarker on G+. It’s a community intended to “make fun of games we might be capable of loving,” so a lot of what gets posted there is… less than great. But every once in a while, it turns out something awesome pops up there!

I said “used to” because at this point, I’ve supported enough Kickstarters that most of my new project news comes from Kickstarter itself. The site knows my backer history and recommends projects I might like.

So there you have it. I stay informed about new games by a hearty stew of podcasts, Google+, and Kickstarter.