Brain Food

Emergent Character Creation

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So the recent scratch-off character sheets Kickstarter for Dungeon Crawl Classics has begun fulfillment. Over on Google+, Jared Rascher is excited about getting his in the mail today! He said one thing in particular that caught my eye: “The emergent character creation suggested for the sheets is to only reveal occupation, lucky sign, and speed, […]

Brain Food

3 Steps to Better Character Voices

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Hank Azaria, voice actor extraordinaire, has a net worth of $70,000,000. 70 million dollars. Voice acting is valuable work. And what are you doing when you speak like your RPG character? Voice acting. Daunting, right? The latest episode of Gaming and BS, Adding Voice to Your RPGs, is all about character voices. I happen to […]

Game Log

KO Ken, The Karate Chosen One

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A long time ago, Billy Jackson was a 98-pound pacifist. But one day, his best friend convinced him to play a violent arcade game in a thunderstorm. Billy’s life changed that day when lightning struck the Karate Knock-Out!! machine. His best friend was turned into a cat, and Billy gained all the powers of the […]