GM Advice

A Good Fight Needs Good Scenery

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This morning on the way to work, I listened to Adaptation, one of the recent episodes of the Savage Worlds GM Hangout. The guys touch on how to adapt settings like Firefly and Ghostbusters to the Savage Worlds system, so check it out if you’ve ever wanted to play a popular setting with the Savage […]

Brain Food

Get Your Gaming GOTE

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In my other life, I’m an actor in the city of Chicago. I’ve noticed roleplaying exercises are really popular up here (particularly in the improv community), so it’s nice to see that kind of exchange between two of my biggest passions. I’ve also noticed my roleplaying in tabletop games has improved as a result of […]


Setting Rules: The Elven Wilds

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Beyond the hedges that guard the Elder Kingdom, the Blackwood is defined by its wilderness. The Elven Wilds are the dark and befuddling forest of tales come to life. Driven by elves like stormclouds are driven by the wind, the Elven Wilds are ever-shifting lands of emerald green foliage, of heavy grey fog, of deadly […]

Brain Food

Broadcast Survey

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Personally, I have a very hard time paying attention to Actual Play sessions if they last more than an hour. I’ve noticed the AP broadcasts for my Savage Worlds setting, The Blackwood, typically last between 3-4 hours (with one monstrous 6-hour outlier). I wanted to find out what most people prefer when it comes to […]


Welcome to the Blackwood

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The Blackwood is Grimm’s Tales directed by Zhang Yimou. You are errants, searching the forest for a way to save the settled people of the Elder Kingdom despite a landscape of deadly beauty and a crumbling ruling class. Visually, I’m inspired by games like The Witcher. Tonally, I want to capture the bright but surprisingly […]


The Ballad of the Way’s Margin

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Beyond the village there stands a tall hedge To keep the Blackwood at bay. Kept safe from danger, from pagans and elves, If only we follow the Way. It was the Elder King who raised the first hedges, who showed his people the strength of their ancestors. The wisdom of his Way taught family and […]

Brain Food

Mythic Gaming pt. 3: Making Use of Myth

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Part 1: Getting Help Part 2: What is Myth?   So we’ve defined myth as a larger-than-life story which acts as a guide to one’s culture. Further, myths make the universal into something personally meaningful through the exercise of rituals (an ingredient we often forget in today’s world). We’ve determined that rolling dice is a […]

Brain Food

Mythic Gaming pt. 2: What is Myth?

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Mythic Gaming pt. 1: Getting Help Last time, I mentioned a Ted Talk about using D&D as a child to gain vital tools to make sense of the world. Is there a better example out there right now than Stranger Things? No spoilers, but a group of nerdy kids eventually uses the teamwork, knowledge, and […]

Brain Food

Mythic Gaming pt. 1: Getting Help

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As Ethan Gilsdorf reveals in his Ted Talk, tabletop RPGs can be a vital tool for kids to make sense of the world. Equal parts escapism and wish fulfillment, tRPGs provide a sandbox for young minds to explore new ideas and hypotheses beyond the threat of the real world and its consequences. In Ethan’s case […]

Savage Worlds

A Horde of Savages

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Far and away, I play more Savage Worlds these days than any other system. It’s a great system for modeling breakneck action, and the Hindrance mechanics have elevated the roleplay of both myself and my players. As the usual GM in my gaming groups, maybe my favorite thing about Savage Worlds is the elegance of […]