Game Log

KO Ken, The Karate Chosen One

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A long time ago, Billy Jackson was a 98-pound pacifist. But one day, his best friend convinced him to play a violent arcade game in a thunderstorm. Billy’s life changed that day when lightning struck the Karate Knock-Out!! machine. His best friend was turned into a cat, and Billy gained all the powers of the […]


RPG Blog Carnival: Vosserlin

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RPG Blog Carnival, February 2017 Host and Topic: Tabletop Terrors | Encounters I just found out about this RPG Blog Carnival thing put on by Johnn Four, and boy is it cool. Every month, a new blog hosts an RPG topic (past examples include Prophecies & Omens, Transitions, and Ordinary Life) that serves as a […]

Savage Worlds

Feb. 13th Interview with The RPG Brewery

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Our fearless leader, Eli, will be joining Jaime Pierson on his new show, The RPG Brewery, this Monday, February 13th! Jaime is the creator of the Wild Die Podcast and founder of the Nerds-International network, so Eli’s super excited to chat with him about gaming, the Mythic Gazetteer, and (especially!) the Blackwood. Eli would love to […]


The King of Knuckle Peak

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Hundreds of you have already downloaded our Seven Quillcrows one sheet and the pregenerated Character Archetypes. Thanks so much for your support! We hope you and your friends love playing in the Blackwood. Be sure to let us know how your games go. We’d love to showcase a play report or respond to any feedback. […]


Official Savage Worlds Licensees!

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We are over the moon to announce that the Mythic Gazetteer is now an official Savage Worlds licensee! Thanks so much to the folks at Pinnacle Entertainment Group for trusting us with this opportunity. What this means: our fantasy setting, The Blackwood, has been in heavy production for two years, but we’ve been working on it […]

Zap's Atlas

Zap’s Atlas: Autumn Glade

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Zap Dynamic, our resident expert in theoretical cartography, has just returned from another sojourn in a fantastic land. It is Zap’s pleasure to bring cities, valleys, countries, even entire continents to life for your cartographic amusement. You can learn more over at Zap’s Atlas, but today we’ve got another encounter map to share! A Strange Feast Three standing […]

Brain Food

The Story So Far

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Quick Update: as of this morning, we’ve had over 200 downloads of our Seven Quillcrows one sheet adventure for Savage Worlds, and nearly as many for the accompanying Archetypes. Thanks so much to everyone who’s taken interest! Let us know what you think of the adventure. We’d love to hear from you! Character Intro Minigames […]

Zap's Atlas

Zap’s Atlas: Forest Ravine

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Zap Dynamic, our resident expert in theoretical cartography, has been hard at work over the past few months creating custom maps for a number of fantasy worlds. It’s been Zap’s pleasure to bring cities, valleys, countries, even entire continents to life since we opened up shop this past autumn. You can learn more over at […]

Brain Food

Pilgrimage to the Deadlands (Classic)

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Doc Johnson had hiked all over the town of Pasco, WA in search of an answer to a single question: why was everything so sharp? Every saloon plate and tumbleweed–hell, even the buildings themselves–had a mean edge to ‘em. There Doc stood, rejected and ignored by the mayor of the whole town. One simple question […]


The Tale of the Seven Quillcrows

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We at the Mythic Gazetteer hope you all had a great time over the holidays, and hope your dice have been generous in the new year. We’ve been busy behind the scenes over the past month, so we’ve got a lot of fun stuff to show off in the next few weeks. First off, we’ve […]