
The Blackwood Setting Primer

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For months now, you’ve been getting teaser about our folklore-meets-wuxia setting, The Blackwood. You’ve had a chance to play as 6 different pregenerated characters. You’ve been given a glimpse at life in The Blackwood thanks for 4 FREE one shot adventures. Now, tie all of it together with… The Blackwood Setting Primer The Blackwood Setting […]


Tourist Season

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The green of spring has turned to the oppressive heat of summer. A drought has hit the Elder Kingdom. The year’s harvest withers on the vine and livestock falls over in the fields. Players take the role of errants recently arrived as a few of many new refugees seeking relief from the drought. Tourist Season is a FREE 1 sheet-style scenario […]


Leafstone and Silk

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A hard winter has come and gone for the frontier town of Vosserlin. The common folk scraped by on stale pottage and frozen hearthbread, while the town’s nobility enjoyed salted pork and hearty stews at every needless banquet. Now spring has sprung, and with it come the taxes of the first harvest. The townsfolk are hopeful for a light tax and […]


Blackwood Encounters: Elves

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FIRST THING’S FIRST! We’re thrilled to announce that The Blackwood is coming to Kickstarter on Tuesday, May 2nd! Check out our campaign a little less than 2 weeks from now to find out how you can help bring The Blackwood Errantry Codex to life for you and gamers all over the world. Now, onto the […]

Mini Games

200 Word RPG Challenge 2017: Caltrops

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You are two ninja masters. Your clans have sworn to destroy each other It’s a caltrop battle! Requires: 2 players, 8d4, 20-60 minutes [Official 200-Word RPG Challenge 2017 Submission] You each have three ninja teams under your command: Sword Ninjas: Strong; +1d4 vs. Shuriken Ninjas Shuriken Ninjas: Ranged; +1d4 vs. Lotus Ninjas Lotus Ninjas: Poisonous; […]


Blackwood Encounters: Humans

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First thing’s first, dear readers: we’ve got a Twitter account now! Follow us at if you’re into the wit that is cultivated by small character limits. Today, we’re taking another look at the Encounter section of the Blackwood Errantry Codex. Check out some info about the human characters you might encounter in your journeys under […]


Blackwood Encounters: Creatures

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It’s been a busy couple of weeks at the Mythic Gazetteer! First, Eli appeared twice on the Wild Die Podcast: Blackwood Interview Blackwood Actual Play: The Flying Canoe The one shot is written by one of the Wild Die hosts, Eric Lamoureux. Just like a lot of our own adventures, Eric drew inspiration from his homeland and […]


Setting Rule: Fighting Schools

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In the Blackwood, swords and fists carry the day when law and order fails. Since before the Elder King rose to power, men and women have drawn blades against each other for matters of honor, vengeance, and war. Over time, these skills were codified into five distinct schools: powerful Boar, watchful Falcon, mischievous Red Bear, regal […]

Brain Food

3 Steps to Better Character Voices

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Hank Azaria, voice actor extraordinaire, has a net worth of $70,000,000. 70 million dollars. Voice acting is valuable work. And what are you doing when you speak like your RPG character? Voice acting. Daunting, right? The latest episode of Gaming and BS, Adding Voice to Your RPGs, is all about character voices. I happen to […]


Blackwood Setting Rule: Languages

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Ever since I first read the Silmarillion, I’ve loved the idea of languages in fantasy settings. Once, I even tried to create my own conlang, if by “try” you mean “looked at a cookbook and came up with two sounds.” Still, language plays a vital part in culture and I enjoy thinking about how that dynamic […]