RPG a Day

RPG a Day 2017: Day 14-20

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The Complete Series Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5-8 Day 9-13 Day 21-28 Day 29-31 Day 14: Which RPG do you prefer for open-ended campaign play? It’s been a long time since I’ve played in a campaign, and I’m not sure I’ve ever played in an open-ended campaign (which I take […]


RPG a Day 2017: Days 9-13

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The Complete Series Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5-8 Day 14-20 Day 21-28 Day 29-31 Day 9: What is a good RPG to play for about 10 sessions? I’m none too familiar with campaign play (I’ve only played campaigns in D&D 3.5e, 5e, and Savage Worlds) and all of them work […]

Mini Games

RPG a Day 2017: Days 5-8

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The Complete Series Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 9-13 Day 14-20 Day 21-28 Day 29-31 Day 5: Which RPG cover best captures the spirit of the game? I’m at a bit of a disadvantage here because (compared to many other folks online) I don’t read a whole lot of RPGs. That […]

RPG a Day

RPG a Day 2017: Day 4

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The Complete Series Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 5-8 Day 9-13 Day 14-20 Day 21-28 Day 29-31 Day 4: Which RPG have you played the most since August 2016? As if there could be any question. In fact, it’s the RPG I’ve played most since August 2015. I love this game. I found it […]

RPG a Day

RPG a Day 2017: Day 3

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The Complete Series Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 5-8 Day 9-13 Day 14-20 Day 21-28 Day 29-31 Day 3: How do you find out about new RPGs? At this point, I listen to about 15 RPG-related podcasts per week. I get a lot of my info about new RPGs from them. I’m working […]

Brain Food

RPG a Day 2017: Day 2

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The Complete Series Day 1 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5-8 Day 9-13 Day 14-20 Day 21-28 Day 29-31 Day 2: What is an RPG you would like to see published? Roleplaying Games have an overwhelming amount of combat rules. Unfortunately, I think most of them are merely adequate. Jim McClure’s Reflections (and Tobie Abad’s […]

RPG a Day

RPG a Day 2017: Day 1

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The Complete Series Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5-8 Day 9-13 Day 14-20 Day 21-28 Day 29-31 Day 1: What Published RPG do you wish you were playing right now? What a question! There are a ton of RPGs I’d love to give a try, but lately there’s just one at the top. […]

Mini Games

Caltrops! A Micro RPG

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You are the master of a clan of ninja, sworn to enmity against a rival clan since ancient times. Upon fields of battle strewn with caltrops, you have clashed countless times over the centuries. Only the gods and the kami have served as witnesses to your secret war. Finally, the end draws near. When the dust settles, only one ninja master will […]


Blackwood Kickstarter Postmortem

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The Blackwood Errantry Codex Kickstarter Campaign [Kickstarter Page] It’s been a wild couple months! The Blackwood Errantry Codex, our new setting for Savage Worlds, launched on Kickstarter on May 1st, 2017. We ran a 28-day campaign, and I’m thrilled to say we managed to fund! We even unlocked our first stretch goal. By November of this […]