
Deal of the Day: By the Numbers

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I submitted The Blackwood Errantry Codex for DriveThruRPG’s Deal of the Day promotion a little while ago. The book was featured in the Deal of the Day spot yesterday, so I spent the end of my weekend collecting and processing some data. I think small RPG publishers are more effective when they work together, so […]


The Blackwood and Our Earth

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It’s Earth Day! To any of you who spend time on our planet: make it a good one! The Blackwood Errantry Codex is the Deal of the Day on DriveThruRPG today! The PDF is 60% off, so if you haven’t picked up the game yet then you’ve found the best possible time to do so. […]

Game Design

What’s Unique About Savage Worlds?

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For their 50th episode (congrats guys!), The Wild Die podcast spoke with special guest Paris Conté about what makes Savage Worlds unique. It was good to hear a conversation about the “Savage identity,” especially on the heels of the Wild Die’s series about what we know of the upcoming new edition of Savage Worlds. The […]


Holidays in RPGs

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Jared Rascher started a conversation over in the Misdirected Mark G+ community about mechanizing holidays in RPGs. Holidays play a big part in The Blackwood Errantry Codex (and in life in the actual middle ages). In fact, they play a big enough part in The Blackwood that I figured I’d have too much to say […]